 AN Xiao,LI Na,HUANG Meiying,et al.Prevention of Falls in Stroke Patients:Best Evidence Summary[J].Nursing Journal Of Chinese People's Laberation Army,2022,39(02):51-55.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-9993.2022.02.013]





Prevention of Falls in Stroke Patients:Best Evidence Summary
(1.山东第一医科大学·山东省医学科学院 护理学院,山东 济南 250117; 2.山东第一医科大学第一附属医院·山东省千佛山医院 护理部,山东 济南 250014)
AN Xiao12LI Na2HUANG Meiying2WANG Hong2
(1.School of Nursing,Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan 250117, Shandong Province, China; 2.The First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Provincial Qianfoshan Hospital, Jinan 250014, Shandong Province, China)
脑卒中 跌倒 循证护理 证据总结
stroke fall evidence-based nursing evidence summary
目的 总结脑卒中患者跌倒预防的最佳证据,为医护人员、患者及家属提供指导。方法 系统检索国内外数据库、指南网站、专业协会网站中关于脑卒中患者跌倒预防的指南、系统评价、专家共识等,检索时限为2001年1月至2021年7月。使用相应的文献评价工具对文献进行质量评价及证据级别判定。结果 最终纳入16篇文献,包括指南8篇、专家共识2篇、系统评价6篇,总结出22条证据。结论 总结归纳的预防脑卒中患者跌倒的最佳证据,能为临床医护人员提供针对该护理问题的循证依据。
Objective To evaluate and summarize the best evidence for the prevention of falls in stroke patients.Methods Domestic and foreign databases, the guide websites and professional association websites were systematically searched for guidelines, systematic evaluation and expert consensus on fall prevention of stroke patients.The retrieval time limit was from January 2001 to July 2021.The corresponding literature evaluation tools were used to evaluate the quality of literature and judge the level of evidence.Results A total of 16 pieces of literature were included, with 8 guidelines, 2 expert consensuses and 6 systematic reviews.A total of 22 pieces of evidence were summarized.Conclusions The best evidence summary for the prevention of falls in stroke patients could provide evidence-based basis for clinical medical staff.


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【 收稿日期 】 2021-10-05 【 修回日期 】 2022-01-06
【 基金项目 】 山东省重点研发计划(软科学项目)(2020RKB14106)
【 作者简介 】 安晓,硕士在读,从事卒中护理研究
【 通信作者 】 王红,电话:0531-89268421
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-02-15